Meet the Team

Change-My-Name is a regularly maintained catalogue of various webservices and social media outlets, that details which services allow users to edit personal information, in particular, to change your name. We'll even show you how!

May this project stand to unveil the vast amount of sites that poorly handle names, so they may self-correct and provide a safe environment for their users to express their personal identity. The ability to edit identifying information while still retaining personal data (i.e. not making a new account) is especially appreciated in the trans community, where your name is both a personal identification and an outwardly expressive experience. Keeping this list current and maintainable has always been in the project scope; A list like this will, in the end, never be complete. The more people who involve themselves in this project, the longer the list will be! We need your help.

Ann Marie

Spencer Stepanek

Computer science student and amateur software developer, Spence has a passion for computer vision and machine learning. She enjoys composing and music production.

